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Monday, June 24, 2024

Where was Anne Frank from


2nd Unit Evaluation 2023                                                                                                                        

Class-  VII

Subject- English

Time- 2 Hours                                                       Fullmark – 50


1. Answer the following question-

 (a) Where was Anne Frank from ?   2                                                                            

(b) How has the voice of Anne Frank reach out across continent and generation ? 3                                                                                 

(c) What is “Camera obscura”  ?       2

 (d) What is Kity ?         2

 (e) When did the Kashmiri vendors travel to the city to sell their goods ? 3                                  

 (f)  Why is it a had life for the Kashmiri vendors ?  3

 (g) Who was Kind ? What was his dead of Kindness ? 4                                      


2. Change the Gender.                                                                  1 x7=7

              Boy , Brother , Father , Peacock , Uncle , Tiger , Docter

3. Fill in the blanks with apporopriate determiner from the choice given. 1x5 = 5

a) This is _ water in jug . ( some / any )

b) __ of the boys was given prize. (Each/Every)

c)He is __ Electrical engineer . ( a/an)

d ) He relies on the _ friend he has . ( few/ little)

e ) He left __ hour ago . ( a/an)

4. Change the voice .  2x2 = 4

 a) Ram helps me.

b) He is reading book.


5. Re-write the following sentences as directed given for brackets -           1x2= 2                                                              

(a) I always go to school. (Make it Negative)

(b) She can sing.  (Make it interrogative)


6. Application to the Headmaster requesting 3 days leave of absence.               7

7. Correct the tense .                                                                                           1x3 =3

a) He always (Go) to market.

b) They ( Play) now.

c) She (eat) rice just now .

7. Translate into English-                                                                                               3

 (a) সি সদায় ফুটবল খেলে।

(b) তাৰ দেউতা এজন শিক্ষক।

(c) আমি এতিয়া খেলি আছোঁ।





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