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Monday, June 24, 2024

What did squirrel say to the mountain


4th Unit Evaluation 2024                                                                                                                        

Class-  VI

Subject- English

Time- 2 Hours                                                                                                  Fullmark – 50

1. Write Eight lines from the poem of “The mountain and the squirrel”. 8

2.Answer the following question.

a)Why did the mountain call the the squirrel “Little Prig” ?2

b)What did squirrel say to the mountain ? 2

c)What are the main differences between the mountain and the squirrel ? 3

d)Who presided the meeting ? 2

e)What was Ratna mala carrying ? 2

g) Write the name of five Indian freedom fighters ? 5

3.Change the Gender ( Any nine) 1x9=9

Boy ,He , Son, Cock, Gentleman, Prince , Horse , Tiger , Milkman , Doctor .

4. Change the number of following words ( Any nine ) 9x1=9

Book,Table, Ass,Ox,Potato,Buffalo,Duty, Monkey , Wife , Foot, Tooth .

5. Rewrite the following sentemnces as directed given in the brackets . 1x2=2

a)He goes to school. ( Make it negative )

b) She can speak English well. ( Make it Interrogative )

6. Fill in the blanks with ( a,an and the ) 1x3=3

a. I have__ one rupee note.

b.He is __ honest man.

c.The sun rises in__ East.   

7. Translate in to English 1x3=3

(a) আমি ষষ্ঠ শ্ৰেণীত পঢ়োঁ।

(b) মোৰ দেউতা এজন গায়ক।

(c) সিহঁতে এতিয়া পঢ়ি আছে।                                   

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